persistent calyx 意味

発音を聞く:   persistent calyxの例文
  • 宿存萼{しゅくぞんがく}


        calyx:    calyx 花房 はなぶさ 蔕 へた
        persistent:     persistent adj. しつこい, 根気強い, 頑固な. 【副詞】 be doggedly persistent あくまでも粘り強い. 【+前置詞】 He was persistent in his effort to work out a compromise plan. なんとか妥協案を考えだそうとする努力をあくまでも続けた.
        accessory calyx:    accessory calyx 外がく[医生]
        caducous calyx:    散萼
        calyx drill:    calyx drill ショットドリル[基礎]
        calyx lobe:    萼裂片{がく れつへん}
        calyx of kidney:    calyx of kidney じん「腎」杯[医生]
        calyx splitting:    萼割れ
        calyx spray:    殺虫噴霧液{さっちゅう ふんむ えき}
        calyx tube:    萼筒
        deciduous calyx:    落萼
        gamopetalous calyx:    合萼
        gamosepalous calyx:    合がく
        irregular calyx:    不整形萼{ふせいけいがく}
        minor calyx:    小腎杯{しょうじんぱい}


  1. "persistent aversion" 意味
  2. "persistent bioaccumulative and toxic" 意味
  3. "persistent bombardment" 意味
  4. "persistent buying" 意味
  5. "persistent buzz" 意味
  6. "persistent candidate" 意味
  7. "persistent chemical substance" 意味
  8. "persistent chronic cough that produces sputum" 意味
  9. "persistent chronic hepatitis" 意味
  10. "persistent buying" 意味
  11. "persistent buzz" 意味
  12. "persistent candidate" 意味
  13. "persistent chemical substance" 意味

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